Zeus, ZeuS, or Zbot is a Trojan horse malware package that runs on versions of Microsoft Windows.While it can be used to carry out many malicious and criminal tasks, it is often used to steal banking information by man-in-the-browser keystroke logging and form grabbing.It is also used to install the CryptoLocker ransomware. Zeus is spread mainly through drive-by downloads and phishing schemes. Zed WEQ ComboZed WEQWaa ComboZed RWEQR ComboZed WREQR Combo. Chsh -s /bin/tcsh will change your shell to tcsh Shell hell: Three or four unix shell programs are distributed with Mac OS X. These are tcsh, bash and zsh; ksh joins the family with 10.4.x. Each has its own syntax, but tcsh is fundamentally different from the others. Here are a couple of simple but essential examples of how the syntax differs.

Zsh is included with OS X (in /bin/zsh), but even if your friend installed a newer version of zsh, you don't necessarily need to uninstall or remove it. Trying to compile jzmq on Mac OS X, proved to be a bit of a headache. I followed the instructions above. I followed the instructions above. I was still getting following error.

chsh -s /bin/tcshwill change your shell to tcsh

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Shell hell:Three or four unix shell programs aredistributed with Mac OS X. These aretcsh, bash and zsh; kshjoins the family with 10.4.x. Each has its own syntax, but tcsh isfundamentally different from the others. Here are a couple ofsimple but essential examples of how the syntax differs:

tcshor csh syntax
zsh,bash, sh, ksh syntax
setting an environment variable (example)
setenv DISPLAY :0.0
export DISPLAY=:0.0
making an alias (example)alias calc 'open -a calculator'
alias calc='open -acalculator'

You can see that the two sets of commands are incompatable. If you did a new or clean installof OS X version 10.3.x, the default user shell isbash. Bash is essentially an enhanced and GNU freewareversion of the original Bourne shell, sh. Unless you happento like bash, I recommend either switching to tcsh orzsh.

If you are using OS X version10.2.x, 10.1.x or 10.0.x, the default user shell istcsh. tcsh is an enhanced version of csh, the'c-shell,' which is more user-friendly than the Bourne shell butearly implementations werebuggy.Download
Many of us who are long-time tcsh users will be uncomfortable withbash. Many crystallography programs (like cns) seem to makethe assumption that you are a tcsh user. (I've set up all thefink-installable programs to work with any shell.) If you are usedto tcsh syntax and suddenly find yourself using bash, this will beproblematic. I find bash as a user shell a bit uncomfortable,and prefer tcsh or zsh. I have in factmadezsh my default user shell. zsh is the most user-friendlyof all the shells, as well as the most powerful. (It is anenhanced version of ksh, but with all the user-friendlyfunctionality of tcsh plus lots of other great things likerecursive globbing, remote file completions, a whole bunch ofreally useful functions that are included,etc.).

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If you want to return to being a tcsh user, or become a zsh user,just type the following:
chsh -s /bin/tcsh
chsh -s /bin/zsh

Altertnatively, find the application called Netinfo Manager in/Applications/Utilities. Open it up, and click on thepadlock to authenticate. Then in the central colum, click on'users' and select the user name of the user whose shell you wantto change. Then replace /bin/bash with either /bin/tcsh or/bin/zsh. Save thechange.