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  1. Mac OS X Server v10.5 or later: 8080: TCP: Alternate port for Apache web service — http-alt: Also JBOSS HTTP in Mac OS X Server 10.4 or earlier: 8085–8087: TCP: Wiki service — — Mac OS X Server v10.5 or later: 8088: TCP: Software Update service — radan-http: Mac OS X Server v10.4 or later: 8089: TCP: Web email rules — — Mac OS X.
  2. Robert Frost is a twentieth century poet who deals realistically with his world through man and nature. Frost is still widely thought of as a nature poet, but this is a misconception. Although most of his poems are filled with nature images, his real subject is humanity. Frost admitted that he 'had only three or four pure nature poems. The rest were human portraits with a nature setting.
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Home > Baruch College > Publications and Research > 1165

Publications and Research



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Publication Date

Spring 4-2020


The overall purpose of this analysis was to exemplify the parallels between the governmental responses to the Tlatelolco Massacre of 1968 and the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020. “Memorial de Tlatelolco” is a poem that was written by Mexican poet and activist, Rosario Castellanos in 1968 following the Tlatelolco Massacre. The findings of this research note the familiarity instilled in those suffering through the COVID-19 Pandemic by Castellanos' poem.

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Latin American Literature Commons, Modern Languages Commons, Translation Studies Commons

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