Exit the Gungeon is a small, arcade-style, spin-off 'dungeon climber' that immediately follows the adventures of the misfit Gungeoneers attempting to survive a series of increasingly dangerous elevators and countless waves of enemies.

  1. Exit The Gungeon Xbox One
  2. Exit The Gungeon Pc
  3. Exit The Gungeon (itch) Mac Os Update

The Gungeon has become a paradox and is collapsing! Blessed by the magic of the Sorceress, your gun will change rapidly as you ascend the Gungeon. The better you play, and the higher your combo, the more powerful the form your gun will take.

Guitar Fretter is a game about memorizing note positions on the guitar fretboard. Battle the attacking music-note-wearing creatures by matching their note to the guitar fretboard! The action gets intense as you solve each level, unlock all the strings, and earn bonus points for full-matched frets. Exit the Gungeon Exit the Gungeon is a small, spin-off 'dungeon climber' immediately following the adventures of the misfit Gungeoneers. Game Trailer Does Exit the Gungeon have Co-op or Multiplayer? Exit the Gungeon is singleplayer only. Are there any plans to add multiplayer or co-op mode? There are currently no plans to add multiplayer features.

Battle against the last and most bitter of the Gundead at a frantic pace, slowing down just long enough to chat with some familiar faces… and a few new ones. Shifting rooms, enemies, bosses, bizarre weapons and items all combine to ensure that no two attempts to Exit the Gungeon are the same.

If you play Exit the Gungeon and looking for guide of quests, this guide will be covering all of the diffrent NPC sidequests, and their respective achievements. Let’s check it out.

How to start quests

To start all of the sidequests, its a pretty standard routine. meet any NPC during a run, (NPC’s in the breach do not have sidequests) and talk to them whenever you meet them. as long as you keep chatting to them consistently during runs will advance their dialogue, however, the old man will need to be talked to to advance dialogue AFTER you obtained his chest. In case of Goopton, dont worry about not being able to read what he says, it should be obvious when he asks for his item.


NPC’s with quests include:
-Bello (The Shopkeeper)
-The Old Man (the one that gives you a free chest after saying he wants to be alone)
-Old Red (the blue bullet)
-Flynt (the living lock, with his magnificent door.)
-Goopton (the one that speaks in moon runes)
-Daisuke (the NPC with the combo meter)

This means that the Nurses, Trorc, and both of the Minigame NPC’s do not have quests.

Once you have talked to them enough times, all of the aforementioned characters should ask you to obtain a specific item.

How to do quests

Now, this is where the challenge starts.

All of the characters want an item.
Bello wants secure stools,
The Old man wants a gameboy,
Old Red wants his old gun Daisy,
Flynt wants Glue,
Goopton wants… whatever Goopton wants.
and Daisuke wants Nut butter and a Pretzel.

All of these items can be found in. one place…
Both minigames, (Just dessert golf and Winchesters original game) have balloons flying around with the Resourceful Rat’s face on them. These balloons are carrying the required items. If you fire your golfball or your cannon at them and obtain the item you have it for the rest of the run.

DO NOT DESTROY THE BALLOON, doing this will cause the item to dissapear and you wont be able to get it again that run, you have to get the item itself.

Exit The Gungeon Xbox One


Now, its kinda sad concidering its based on RNG whether or not you will get a minigame room, but from what I have seen, the minigames will always have a rat balloon, as long as there is an active quest.

After obtaining the item, talk to the character giving the quest to give them the item, and the achievement should pop. (I didnt know where to mention it but Daisuke needs two items, which means his quest should be done over across at least two runs)

Lastly, you might be wondering: “wait, does this mean I have to get lucky to get both a minigame room AND the specific NPC character?” Well, no, Bello is obvious becouse he appears in every floor, so you should never miss out on him to give him his stools. And the other characters are guaranteed to appear if you have their quest item, so lucky the quests arent *THAT* RNG heavy.
The only way you are able to miss out on a quest during a run, is if the minigame room is on the last floor, becouse then there wont be any more floors for NPC’s to spawn on.

That’s all we are sharing today in Exit the Gungeon All NPC Quests & Achievement Guide, if there are anything you want to add please feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll see you soon.

Exit The Gungeon Pc

Credit to Osha

Exit The Gungeon (itch) Mac Os Update

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