There used to be a Mac version, but they killed it. Since you're willing to purchase new software, there's a recipe/cookbook management program for Mac called Yum that will also allow you to import your old MasterCook recipes. I've never used it myself, it was just one of the possibilities i discovered when i started researching Mac-compatible recipe software for myself. Mac OS X & macOS names. As you can see from the list above, with the exception of the first OS X beta, all versions of the Mac operating system from 2001 to 2012 were all named after big cats. According to Goodson, who Beta tested a lot of software during the porting process, the release of Mac OS X changed many minds at JPL because “it has a command line, which makes it much easier.
Angelina Maia
APN 620-Nutrition Education and Health Behavior Change
Fall 2017
A student-designed food and culture fact sheet.
This handout provides information about French cuisine and dietary habits. Traditional dishes, eating patterns, health beliefs, as well as current nutritional practices are discussed. This fact sheet highlights the importance of food in the French culture.
Fact Sheet
© 2017 Rebecca Washuta
French, France, gastronomic meal, meals, National French Food Program, Nutri-Score system, nutrition, dietary practices.
Washuta, Rebecca, 'Traditional French Cuisine Food And Culture Fact Sheet' (2017). All Student-Created Educational Resources. 3.
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